LSD - An Insane Psychedelic Trance

Seasons Change.
Nothing stays permanent.
Likewise our minds, our thoughts, beliefs, and mood change a lot. We love change. Being human, we don't stay in one place forever, we change a lot and we accept and adopt the change according to the environment and our needs.
          Nature has abundant resources and Man is powerful to convert and create something new according to his needs. Man learns chemistry and creates amazing things.
        What we love is freedom and the insanity of being alive. We try to find happiness anywhere we live. 


    LSD aka Lysergic Acid Diethylamine is a hallucinogenic drug that captures the happiness centres of our brain and makes us happy for certain hours. It sounds crazy, right? It is not even the real chemistry definition of the LSD that I am going to acknowledge you guys in this whole boring article. It's my made-up definition whatever I learnt. LSD can have control over our thoughts, feelings and of course, it affects them. It is said that it usually takes 45 minutes to give you affect in your body. It may differ on your mental stability but prior is that the approximate "the 45 minutes" gives you insanity and can take you to the self-made "Wonderland". Wonderland here I mean is the made-up heaven that your mind imagines. Usually, it is the platform that your mind creates after LSD is intaken. The moment is called TRIPPING, the psychedelic experience.

The good point is LSD doesn't appear addictive but it does have an adverse effect if it is on a high dose and also has an instant effect on the psychic of a person.
The simple history is LSD was created by Adolf Hoffmann with a chemical substance of Fungus Ergot. It was even tested on people without knowledge and it was approved as NO.1 controlled substance and was approved that it has no any medical use. The rest history is found on google as you can search and scratch further, okay-people :).
        Intake of the LSD is typically from the tongue as it is held inside the mouth or it is swallowed.
It is sold in blotter paper and comes in different variety of pictures.
Elephant blotter pictures
Intaken of LSD


Most of the users take LSD for self-awareness they say. This crazy drug can intervene in your life and surroundings and can create a different view of whatever is occurring in your life. It affects your emotions, your perspectives, your view and the window of how you see the world.

According to the web thesaurus Wikipedia, its uses are stated as for  Recreational, Spiritual purpose. Yes, it has some weird connection in spirituality and cosmic surrounding because it catalyses the spiritual experience and yes agreed or not it enhances the out of body experiences as reported by some of the users. Most users had some mystical experiences about religion. It sounds out of head but it is the truth. Come on, wiki told me this and you got to believe me, dear readers.

Brain deforms due to LSD 

What aspired me to write this blog is my friend's experience that he had of taking this psychedelic drug. He even experienced a life full of vision he had from childhood. he even had some of the realisations of his life. As one enters the psychedelic trance, one lost his sanity and does whatever it meant for his happiness. According to him, people walk a lot, feel the wind, he becomes whatever he is assumed to become: like anything for a second he behaves like a dog if he assumes. Simply by other words: LSD plays with our thoughts. As our thoughts, so we are. Whatever he told me gave me the night crawling thoughts. I read many other articles related and I came to know that the facts of LSD are dementing.


There are many dreadful experiences that you can get in google (of course- the top search engine!).
It's not the case that one must have a beautiful good trip but people even have a bad trip after intaking of its dose. One must be aware that the use of LSD is not for entertainment purpose. It is usually intaken for self-awakening. It depends upon the personality of the people and how stable is one's mind. It is not that one becomes a drug-monarch if one experiences a good trip on the psychoactive drug as the name psychedelic, it depends upon one's psyche. 


LSD brings you to the edge of chaos! 

You see the light brighter, every stable picture becomes hallucinating and making movements. You get insane all over. You see different visions blah and blah and You experience paranoia, euphoria- (these big words highlighted explains everything I guess since I am not the user and I really don't exactly know!)

How you see Barcode?
OKAY, my opinion doesn't matter. None's opinion matter to none . But the reasoning of this article is not to enhance the use of these kinds of fungus breed drug. If you wanna seek happiness go to your favourite place, sleep for some while and let your body rest or listen to music , eat a favourite food , drink good, watch good movies. Do good things for yourself. Let your mind settle if something wrong is happening to you. But don't crave for these psychoactive predators. You are the reason of your happiness and you don't need to depend upon them.
  Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zones and laugh off at how life's hard.
Of me, LSD is an insane drug.
