BUTTERFLY EFFECT - A Universal Theory of Life & Choices

Hello Readers,
By the topic, you must be thinking that I have a craze over Travis Scott(American rapper). Because he has also created the song ditto of this topic :(. But, here I am going on the real theoretical topic. This phenomenon is based on a life-changing process because whatever I am going to include can make you feel like "OH, YEAH MIGHT BE..(;)" So,let's roll the intro :    

       According to Wikipedia,
   " In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later stage." 
          Okay,here you are like what is this non-linear, heavy science words coming from ?Let me make simple  to you but sorry you need to get it to last :).This theory was discovered by Edward Lorenz. The idea came to be known as the “butterfly effect” after Lorenz suggested that the flap of a butterfly's wings might ultimately cause a tornado. And the butterfly effect, also known as “sensitive dependence on initial conditions,” has a profound corollary.
                            "When a butterfly flutters its wings in one part of the world. It can eventually cause a hurricane in another"
                                -Edward Lorenz

     A butterfly flaps its wings in Chicago and tornado occurs in Tokyo.
* This is just a hypothesis, not a test theory 
*Also, it is not needed to be proven like waiting for the butterfly to flap its wings on Chicago and again waiting for a hurricane to occur in Tokyo. This is nonsense to think in that way.
          Edward simply meant that a small decision, a small choice can occur a drastic change in the future.
                       Once, Mahatma Gandhi(Indian Colonial nationalist) was traveling on the train during the time of 1893 on 7th June.  He booked a ticket in first class. Then the collector came by and checked his ticket but seeing his Indian name, he was thrown out of the train in the middle of the road. This incident was really humiliating for him and from that day he decided to throw Britishers out of his country. Just let's say if that day if he was not thrown out of the train, he wouldn't get humiliated, and without humiliation, he wouldn't step up to save his country from the slavery of the Britishers. One small incident made him known as "Bapu" of the Indian nation and India is a free country today.

                       Henry Tandey( A Private soldier of world war ) once got a sight of an injured young german man in his shooting range during the  war of Germany and Britain. Instead of shooting, he decided to medicate the injured young german. He medicated him and made him better. This injured man turned out to be none but "ADOLF HITLER". And the rest is history y'all know. 
Studying the fact about this incident: if Henry had shot that young german that day,many people who were killed by Nazis, would be alive. Those could turn out to be a better person, who could change society. Unfortunately, cause of wrong mercy that Henry offered, led to the birth of wars, murders, deaths.

                         This story was told to me by my school teacher who used to teach a Nepali subject.Once in childhood, Lekhnath Poudyal( a Nepalese poet) wrote a poem and submitted it to his teacher. The teacher scolded and humiliated his poem.He was hurt and by then he decided and practiced his writing skills and he became a legendary poet in the history of Nepal. If the teacher had instead praised his poem, he could not be so good at writing poems or maybe he could just be inspired to write but not in the artistic way that he express the emotions in the poem,making it first class!


 It is said that whatever we do , whatever we think results in a new mode of vibration. If One consumes bad thoughts then consequently bad incidents take place. True or False, it does happen because the vibration we receive from the action of our thought leads to any incident of consequences. Here is the wave diagram that Edward Lorenz discovered:
Wave Diagram of cause and effect
        Here is the reveal of how one small change in the initial point of the wave can cause the happening of a bigger change in the other resultant waves. Butterfly effect covers the understanding of motion, choices, actions, thoughts, and everything. Just simply you got to see is : how over one action lead one person to become overall famous overnight.How one falling apple led Issac Newton to create the whole physics and lead you to hit the head overnight studying it? How the normal situation of your life turns intensely negative overnight? It's all because what have you been thinking in your past and what kind of thoughts you have been developing overall in the part of your life.



Have you ever heard or read about the double-slit experiment of light? In one experiment, the light is passed through a double slit and two interference patterns are developed and again the same experiment is done then it results that several interference patterns are developed. So, which experiment is correct? Quantum Mechanics say that both experiments are correct. How can the two contradictions be correct in this universe? The quantum mechanics explain that whatever we wanna see ,consequently-we see accordingly. If we wanna see two interference patterns, we see two sometimes, and when we wanna see various interference patterns-we see various. That's what our thinking is linked with. Whatever either positive or negative thoughts we develop,we see in either way. Obviously, we human wants to have a good life so let's have a good thought at least from now on!!?!

      Don't create the illusion of whatever comes in the mind. It's human behavior that every time,the same positive thoughts don't come but at least we can reduce the span of negativity.Just with some small action or praying well for all can lead to the change in the world, that is why after all it is said that "Bring  a change in you and automatically you will begin to see the change in the world" Just cut the ties if you find something toxic. Just don't be in the swing or in the hall of confusion. Just be simple because the complex is what takes time to solve and obviously complex is what after all we convert it into simplicity.
                          Afterall, Thoughts are  what that matters (a lot) and lead us to actions.


  1. When I saw the topic butterfly effect, I wasn't thinking about Travis song but the movie named 'The Butterfly Effect'. You should watch it.
    Anyways I like the contain.
    Thanks for the knowledge.

  2. I really like your perspective of how you've analysed the concept of the butterfly effect. Its really interesting.
    The smallest change can result into a compounding effect in a real life. I am fascinated by the concept itself.

  3. The strongest of wisdom when left un-arranged is meaningless. Much love for you to articulate the very process!


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